
漫才ギャング ’Manzai Gyang ’

Hello, long time no see.

BUT  I will introduce 3 movies from now.

 Please catch up with me.


Do you know this novel?

It was written by Hiroshi Shinagawa. He is a comedian but also a movie director and he writes some novels well. specialist isn't it?

This novel change and made one movie by him.

I'm telling you about this movie.

These days I watched it from lending Tsutaya. So you can easily find it.

The story is ...

The man on the left in this picture is a comedian. But He is not famous and He doesn't good at be laughed someone. He dislike to say joke.

and he wondering what he is.

The man on the right is a gyang. and he has some climinal, and catch by police man some time.

These  man  meet at the prison.

There are a worst place. They struggled by themselves.


they notice and decide to become comedian.

They change directly......

The fisrt stage is ......good or bad ?  Check it please.

This movie is like entertainment, funny and  nice movie.

Please check it as soon as possble.

see you soon.


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