
Swing girls

This movie is created by Shinobu Yaguchi.

She is famous for making a lot of fun movies.

Swing girls is also one of them and the movie was opened at 2004.

The story is ...

The highschool students practiced musical instrument in blass band  because other blass band girls were sickness.

And They started blass band jazz, after that they noticed  Music makes people happy. and have a lot of fun.

They formed the real jazz band club and enjoy the blass band jazz.....

the main character is Juri Ueno. she is a famous actress.

This movie is specialized that they speak the country dialect. They live in north of Japan.

really funny and finally we moved watching the movie.

Please lend this movie at Tsutaya.

bye bye


Princess Toyotomi

Do you know this movie?

The stage of this movie is Osaka.

You can familar with watching this movie.

The story is ...

Osaka  Stop.

The shop , subway , light , anything stop.

But the 3 character would solve this problem.

They are the researching of general accounts.

They were researching this problem.

And key person are a Little boy and a girl.

The mysteet was opened by the owner of Okonomiyaki Shop.

In the future

If the Osaka were stopped, do you know how to move or change the Osaka.

Please watch and remember it.

The main character are

' 堤真一    Shinichi Tsutsumi.

・綾瀬はるか  Haruka Ayase.

・岡田将生 Masaki Okada.

and  中井貴一 kiichi Nakai.

You can lend from Tsutaya.

Please go a head.

Chizuru Mokui


Happy flight,!

Hi, long time no see.

I will tell you another movie .

This movie is.... Happy Flight.

The director made 3 famous movie.
later I tell you.

this movie is....

this 2 peroson are main charactor.

The woman is who she is flight attendant flying from Japan to Hawai.

The man is who he rides on airplane  as pilot. its the first time, and like an exam.

But in the airplane , big accident would happen, and Can you ride to Hawai safely?

This movie is so funny and good Japanee comedy movie.

So please check it .

Lets go to TSUTAYA.

They are waiting for you!